The Omnibus Show is excited to welcome Jenni Browning, the CEO of The American Dairy Association Indiana. Browning talks about the nutritional value of dairy and how the Dairy Association shares this information with the public. She shares how the Association communicates with farmers and the community, about processes, and about upcoming events.
Browning is an experienced marketing and communication professional with a detailed history of working in the dairy community. She is also a Registered Dietitian Nutritionist with a strong media and communication background with a Master of Science (M.S.) focused in Dietetics/Dietitian from Ball State University. She started her career with the Association as the director of communications.
Tune in to today’s podcast to get a peek into the world of dairy here in Indiana. Learn how many dairy farms exist in Indiana, the various dairy products, and how the Dairy Association is funded. Learn about robotic milking and that famous ad campaign – “Got milk?” Learn the various purposes of drinking milk and eating dairy, and the answer to that ongoing question, does chocolate milk come from brown cows?
Browning goes on to talk about the events that take place here in the state that promote milk, such as the Indy 500 and the Ice Cream Social held on The Circle in downtown Indianapolis. Browning talks about the Dairy Barn at the State Fair and the 70,000 milkshakes and 50,000 grilled cheese sandwiches sold there each year.
American Dairy Association Indiana
We are honored to be sponsored by Hotel Carmichael where The Omnibus Show is videotaped in Feinstein's.
The Omnibus Show, the program for people who are interested in everything with deep conversations on a wide variety of subjects.
Host and Executive Producer - Dave Gibbs
Voice Over Artist - Katherine Kennard
Producer - Meg Gates Osborne
Video Producer - Philip Paluso
Camera - Scott Osborne
Meg and Associates Staff:
Communications - Dan McFeely and Melissa Purcell
Logistics - Brad Osborne and Nancy Dye
The Omnibus Show -
© Copyright The Omnibus Show LLC (2024)